Arloste Ganze Foundation

Poverty exacerbates problems of sexual violence and gander based violence. In this community we are serving -Ganze , there is up to seven rapes per week according to police reports in collaboration with the local health facility There are no repercussions for the offenders and the written legislation is not carried out by the local judicial system, where women are left in isolation to deal with the consequences and trauma caused by these incidents. We bring peace and power to those affected by providing them with psychosocial support where they are given a Conducive environment to heal and continue with their education.
Through various programs and initiatives, we strive to provide them with the support and resources they need to succeed and lead fulfilling lives. From workshops and seminars to mentorship and networking opportunities, we are committed to fostering a community of strong, confident, and empowered women and girls.

We also envision a community where the girls child and women live up to their full potential as equal and empowered members of society .we intend to put up a rescue center to host vulnerable young girls and women within and outside Ganze because of the culture of child marriage and the high rate of teenage pregnancies and other related gender based violence issues as witnessed in the past consecutive months-September, October And November (Reference –Ganze Health center)